Tuesday, September 9, 2008

DIARY: Dickie Frank and Writing

Just back from the Tempest at CSC. Really great. Although Mandy can destroy a song with his weird vocal stuff and over the top acting, he can't destroy Shakespeare with his "commitment." In fact, it actually works. It was a wonderful production. Great set. Some great actors. And a fantastic space. Loved it. So I wrote to the artistic director about doing Figaro. It would be fantastic there.

Glenn came over again on Monday. Another exciting session. We worked on a couple more of the songs. Did the Richard II, maybe my favorite. It really is wonderful. And he's a great singer!!
Very inspiring.

In light of the rights situation, I looked at the Oliver Button sketch. I forgot that I had actually written the entire opening number. I had no idea that I had done that. And that's ALSO wonderful. I'm sorry to be so enthusiastic about my own work, but I'm discovering a whole forgotten world of my stuff.

I've been playing through the ARIA for the new opera. I sent it to Ariana Zuckerman. I hope to record it with her. I'm not quite done with it but getting really good as well.

Ruth went into the hospital and had her test. All is as expected. They don't have to do anything else. She was her usual self until they drugged her and she came out. Then she said I turned into a good son and I shouldn't have been a doctor. We were all shocked, Janice and I, and I asked the nurse for more drugs for her.

She was a piece of work this morning, but had almost calmed down by the time I picked her up.

Tomorrow I go to my heart doctor. And let's see if I have a broken heart.

Left a message for Jenkins. Nothing. No Maria. Still being punished. Oh well.

I pitched Gary Z three movie ideas. He's going to try and set up all three. So we'll see about that.

But I'm feeling creative again. Wow.

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