Friday, August 29, 2008


Had a great reunion dinner with Greg Jbara last night. He told me that his webmaster called him and said she knew he was having dinner with me. He said my Blog goes to google and it came up as google news on his google alert. Wow! Better be careful what I say.

We met on the train and went downtown but couldn't get into the place he wanted to try. So we continued walking through little Italy but nothing struck our fancy. But we kept chatting the whole time. He told me all about Billy Eliiott which sounds exciting for him! Clearly an amazing part and I'm thrilled he's in it! And of course, Stephen Daldry is amazing! Machinal! Wow. We ended up eating at the Chelsea Cookbook. So good.

He was incredibly supportive about DR. T. Feels it's on the right track artistically, which of course, I know it is. Always loved the piece. Not surprised it finally may get on. I told him all about Brian's death. Which is a whole separate article unto itself. But again, he was so supportive.

Today I sent off the libretto to London. And started on the Milton song. I get the first bit which will represent God's expulsion. I couldn't quite figure out the time signatures. Even with finale playing it back to me. But i'm close enough for now. (There's a missing 16 note somewhere!)

Then I had a very nice meeting with the animation company that Peter Schneider set me up with for the Bunny. They were very positive about the piece and seems like they want to move forward. So off to the rights issue. We decided that they'll send me a package describing who they are and I'll forward it all to Harper's. Let's hope.

Tonight is Hamlet which I'm excited about.

Ray Colcord called and told me Alex is coming to NYC to look for a job and work and live. I'll try and help. He said he would help with some Grammy voters. So everyone wins. I plan to be VERY aggressive with my campaign.

A little ps to the convention: no one mentioned the Clinton/Biden face work. I guess I've spent too much time in Bev Hills cause I'll could see were their face lift scars. Good work, but work nonetheless. I wonder who did it? Harry Glassman?

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