Friday, October 3, 2008

Ruth is out of intensive care and in the next step to leaving. We went up to see her today and she can talk and she even had a little walk around the room with the therapists. Janice was worried yesterday but I knew it would be fine. It just takes a bit of time and for goodness sake, she just had open heart surgery. She was sort of babbling for a bit and told us she was "aggrivated." Which of course is a good thing. She said they put her into a room with a dead body unter the bed and she insisted on being moved. As long as she is aggravated she's on the road to recovery!

Sadly, tonight we were suppsoed to go to a great chamber music concert but I just don't feel well enough. My fuckin cold is STILL not better. No coughing but I think I have temperature. The concert was going to be great: Creation fo the world and Quartet for the end of time. Damn.

Jury duty was a breeze! Because of the Jewish Holidays there were very few cases. I simply sat in the room for 2 days, 9-12 and then we were dismissed. And won't be called for 6 years.

I finished Awakened by the Moon and Leonard's description of Goodnight Moon made me want to write that as the companion piece. I went to Barnes and Nobel and re-read the book from his point of view. So the obvious choice for the companion piece will be the one I'll do. Of course, not for a while. And certainly not until I get the rights.

I finished yet another song in the cycle. A Whitman setting. See below!

Timothy and Keel are going to meet Myles and Janice tomorrow. Let's see how that works. I'm hoping it's good!

No news from MJ. Crap. The David Poutney score came back. Wrong address. Never mind. I wonder if I should send the bindings to MJ? Maybe.

What Am I After All

What am I after all but a child, pleas`d with the sound of my own name? repeating it over and over;
I stand apart to hear - it never tires me.

To you your name also;
Did you think there was nothing but two or three
pronunciations in the sound of your name?
WALT WHITMAN (1819 - 92)

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